Toyota Prius
Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

This event is limited and only invite the press, dealers, fans and prospective Prius potential buyers. Tim Morrison, corporate marketing manager, Toyota Motor Sales assert, "This private event, not to campaign." Before in New York, this event was held in Washington, DC, and New York after the turn of Chicago. Los Angeles, San Francisco and also including a city that will be visite
d Prius Connection.

Visitors get a detailed explanation about the car's vehicle Specialists. Stephanie Vohlgamuth, one of them, have worked for Toyota for five years and its tasks are the cars made in Toyota. And in fact many are interested to buy or swap a car length with a new Prius.
Scott Chase, IT worker from New Jersey, interested in switching to a
Prius with the new length. Chase is like the Prius with the new seats that can direbahkan but there is still room for the rest of the rear passenger foot. Mark Rickey, who works in New York balaikota features like Touch Tracer and praised the two compartment that can still be used to plant airbags.

One of the charms of Priuc Connection is a "20 questions tree". This made the tree-leaf paper is daunya contains questions about the Prius. Tree to test how far this knowledge pengujung on Prius.